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The Beerness Card

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Beer mate or busi­ness card? How to adapt the way you show­case your­self to your sur­round­ings and field of activ­i­ty and stand out from the crowd!

Kill The Guitar: Watch Me Dive

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Art direc­tion, pho­to shoot light­ing, graph­ic design & disc pack­ag­ing for Kill The Gui­tar “sex’n’rock” debut album, ‘Watch Me Dive’.

Intello-porn, élucubrations et situationnisme obscène

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Est-ce quelque chose comme de l’intello-porn?
Du classé X situationniste?
Une approche lib­er­taire de la sexualité?
Une “invi­ta­tion ent­hou­si­as­mante, lib­er­taire et lib­er­tine à pour­suiv­re la con­quête de notre liberté?” 

Empathy for The Devil

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Tunes, Graph­ics & Rock’n’Roll: a mes­sage to the music industry.
Mes­sage from the Cler­gy: Thou shalt be con­tent­ed work­ing for the Holy Spir­it of Rock’n’Roll.

Hare: Nuclearkarma

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Art direc­tion, graph­ic art & design, disc pack­ag­ing for Hare pow­er met­al sec­ond album, ‘Nuclear­kar­ma’.

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