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Self-Promotion Fail & The 007 Syndrome

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Tragedy of a hidden consultant

A prospect of mine turned into the first Fly­er­mann pay­ing client a few months ago. Accord­ing to ‘mar­ket­ing cus­tom’, the next step is that I had to spread the great news: write a blog post and share it on social media, you know, just to tell the world how awe­some Fly­er­mann is.

So far, so good. Just one lit­tle tiny con­cern: the client is {undis­closed}, a {undis­closed} work­ing for {undis­closed} in {undis­closed}. Holy nightmare!

The mission

Strate­gic con­sult­ing regard­ing online pres­ence and rep­u­ta­tion of {no, I won’t dis­close this}.
Seek and destroy all evil data about {I told you I won’t}.
I am the shad­ow man, I shoot in the dark.*

I can feel the 007 syn­drome, yeah.

Yeah? So now what?
“Look I’ve done great busi­ness with {undis­closed}, he’s a prodi­gious {undis­closed}. He wrote me an awe­some rec­om­men­da­tion so that I can {undis­close} it.”

The self-promotional fail

A lack of self-pro­mo­tion doesn’t go a long way…
So why don’t you join the hap­py ones who get their help­ful dose of valu­able news? You’ll get super-chi­ki-miki sto­ries and design news and… wait, read this before:

Dis­claimer | self-pro­mo­tion may hap­pen as well as oppor­tu­ni­ties for you to ben­e­fit from star­tling offers and fab­u­lous discounts!

Bon­jour chez vous,
Max­im­i­lien, founder

* By the way, I work for the good guys.
As always, should you or any of your Fly­er­mann force be caught or killed, the Sec­re­tary will dis­avow any knowl­edge of your actions. Good luck, Max. This blog post will not self-destruct in five seconds.

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