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Session app, guide de démarrage

Com­ment créer un compte et ajouter un con­tact dans Ses­sion, mes­sagerie cryp­tée conçue pour une vie privée absolue et con­tre toute surveillance.

Android: installer Session avec F‑Droid

Tuto­riel: com­ment maîtris­er F‑Droid et i’u­tilis­er pour installer sur Android l’app de mes­sagerie sécurisée Ses­sion util­isant le réseau Tor.


Maudit logo!

Fly­er­mann réalise l’i­den­tité visuelle du fanzine “Mau­dit!”, mag­a­zine humoris­tique pour adultes.

Zürich, mardi 8 juin 2055

Décou­vrez une nou­velle d’an­tic­i­pa­tion dystopique de l’au­teur zuri­chois Kurt Eschel, copy­writer chez Flyermann. 

Hail Design, Hail Satan!

Hail Design, Hail Satan.

Design­ers are design­ing a world that is busi­ness-cen­tered with­out know­ing it. Human-cen­tered design becomes busi­ness-cen­tered on the altar of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, yeah!

The Beerness Card

Beer mate or busi­ness card? How to adapt the way you show­case your­self to your sur­round­ings and field of activ­i­ty and stand out from the crowd!

Linkedin, Drugs & A/B Testing

Recent­ly I cre­at­ed two social media posts to share a blog post on Linkedin. View the result of this bizarre A/B test­ing! (and remem­ber: quit drugs & call Flyermann)

Master SEO

SEO: The Pursuit of Glory

With­out Search Engine Opti­miza­tion, your web­site is a buried online enti­ty. The Lit­tle Known Secrets to Mas­ter SEO is a guide to all the tips, tricks & tools to quick­ly build a SEO strat­e­gy you’ll be proud of. Down­load your free copy!

The UX of Reports

How to min­imise the impact of your writ­ings on your read­ers’ pro­duc­tiv­i­ty & craft read­er-cen­tered, high­ly effec­tive reports. Down­load your free boilerplate!

Extreme Website Bootup

Extreme Website Bootup

Pure mad­ness: with­in 10 days you get a fast, reli­able, secure, tai­lored and scal­able web­site out of a of a top-of-the-line, pro­fes­sion­al, killer template.

The ASE Logo

Fly­er­mann proud­ly releas­es the ASE logo design, made with love and in no time. To defend and pro­tect our land as well as its his­tor­i­cal, archi­tec­tur­al and cul­tur­al her­itage against evil forces!

The Typographic Moodboards of OZ

Typo­graph­ic mood­boards released dur­ing the visu­al design phase of OZ’s web­site, an inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned Swiss painter, illus­tra­tor and cartoonist.

That funny li’l illustration

Cov­er illus­tra­tion for Ssas­sa’s “Schn­abel­wet­zer 3” CD. Music for kids: “We love it and so do the kids!”

The Clients’ Happiness Generator

Hap­py clients say­ing delight­ful things and send­ing ecsta­t­ic mes­sages to ‘cook-a-hoop Fly­er­mann’. This is Fly­er­mann Hap­pi­ness Generator!

Kill The Guitar: Watch Me Dive

Art direc­tion, pho­to shoot light­ing, graph­ic design & disc pack­ag­ing for Kill The Gui­tar “sex’n’rock” debut album, ‘Watch Me Dive’.

Email Marketing at Its Best

Fly­er­mann got a 77% open rate in 1.5 days for their last email cam­paign. It could be your cam­paign. Do you want to know more?

Rien ne peut arrêter l’ascension de Lubric-à-brac maintenant

Il était une fois un pornographe, Patrick Mori­er-Genoud. Jour­nal­iste, écrivain, chroniqueur, certes, mais avant tout pornographe. Il engagea une “agence web” qui lui mon­ta un site inter­net pour pub­li­er ses écrits licen­cieux. Et son cauchemar commença.

OZWE Games Grows Website Traffic by 250% in A Month.

Once upon a time there was a small Swiss tech start­up that had been raised to a world-class play­er. The com­pa­ny had grown very swift­ly, yet their mar­ket­ing & com­mu­ni­ca­tion means had not grown like­wise — it was out of control.

Printed by Aleister

At least, they’re here, as taste­ful as ‘crois­sants chauds’ straight out of the bak­er’s oven: the brand new Fly­er­mann busi­ness cards.

Intello-porn, élucubrations et situationnisme obscène

Est-ce quelque chose comme de l’intello-porn?
Du classé X situationniste?
Une approche lib­er­taire de la sexualité?
Une “invi­ta­tion ent­hou­si­as­mante, lib­er­taire et lib­er­tine à pour­suiv­re la con­quête de notre liberté?” 

Empathy for The Devil

Tunes, Graph­ics & Rock’n’Roll: a mes­sage to the music industry.
Mes­sage from the Cler­gy: Thou shalt be con­tent­ed work­ing for the Holy Spir­it of Rock’n’Roll.

The Flyers, The Posters, El Kablo

Work­ing with El Kablo Licht und Ton, the great­est, ulti­mate punk rock’n’roll trash garage sound engi­neer is… sort of… offbeat. 

Hare: Nuclearkarma

Art direc­tion, graph­ic art & design, disc pack­ag­ing for Hare pow­er met­al sec­ond album, ‘Nuclear­kar­ma’.


Déesse. Rebelle. Adver­saire. — Le mythe de Lilith, la plus anci­enne fig­ure de révolte fémi­nine, sous une per­spec­tive satanique.
